Friday, April 1, 2016

Elizabeth Miksch - Week 5 HW

Introduction of Samus

 At the start of the story she is a cop. She is innocent looking and doesn’t have her suit.
 It starts with her in the mission. Like the start of the mission. Her squad gets ambushed by the metroid. Which they know nothing about have no way to fight it.
 It is an impossible.
 Her squad dies. She is the lone survivor.
 When she returns they try to cover it up and don’t give the respect to her fallen comrades. this is what makes her leave the force.
 I like the image of a shot helmet.
 Maybe what happens is the ship lands and she immediately gets attacked. They witness the metroid sucking the life from a person in their squad. One latches onto samus’s head and one of her teammates shoots her. The rest of the shoot is just in and outs of her squad getting destoried.

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