Friday, April 1, 2016

Jaret Sites - Week 5 HW


● Wide angle shot of a metropolis city fully lit up during the nighttime
● Camera pans downwards towards the darker lit dystopian slums of the city
● The camera stops panning and refocuses on a close up shot of a suspended walkway in a residential area with cloudy mists rising up from the depths below
● Aggressive shouting can be heard from somewhere out of view, "Someone grab her!" "Waste that bitch!"
● Gunshots are heard out of view until one bullet zips past the camera view and hits a concrete wall. A red cloak whips past the camera view
● The camera cuts to a close up shot of thugs running through the slums. Their feet hitting the pavement, their guns firing frantically.
● The camera cuts to a wide shot front view of the gang of thugs shooting at a silhouette in the foreground atop another catwalk moving quickly across the view. The camera refocuses on the the gunfire and another bullet that hits a wall chipping off debris.
● The camera cuts to an overview wide shot of the thugs running into an enclosed lit up block of the slums
● The camera cuts to a slowly panning front view medium shot of the thugs holding their gunfire in search for their evasive target
● More development needed

(more under the cut)

A young girl wakes up in bed in an orphanage. As she removes the sheets from atop her body, she looks towards where her right arm should be but it had recently been amputated. As she gets out of bed, some children walk towards her and invite her to come play. Before she does, she goes through a bit of her scheduled morning routine and follows the children into the recreational room. After playing for a while, one of the kids suggest going into the dump yard outside of the orphanage to scavenge for treasure. Through a hidden hole in the wall, the children sneak outside and are met with the view of the low-level district slums. The slums are a conglomerate of tiny single room housing units all stacked on top of each other disjointedly grouped together to fill every bit of empty space. These are the dystopian underworkings of the metropolis above them where mid-level district and high-level district resided. The little girl remembers living there not so long ago. Up there were the more technologically advanced upper class districts of the city. The children grab the girls attention again to follow them across a complex winding path of steel beams and bridges to climb their way down to reach the dump yard. Once there, the children scavenge for trinkets of the old world like relics before the urban jungle sprawled and replaced the ancient green with steel, concrete, and glass. Looking at the forgotten, disregarded waste of the upper districts reminds the girl of her past. She hears the voices of her parents in her head. She remembers how they used to play with her on days like these in her housing unit. After their treasure hunt, the little girl returns to the orphanage with the children. Once there, the group home workers remind the children of their schedule and lunch time. One of the workers talks to the little girl and tells her to prep for her psych evaluation. During her mental health assessment, the girl recalls the traumatic moments of her recent past when her parents were violently murdered by cybernetically augmented thugs that raided the mid-level district and broke into her home. She also recalls getting wounded and losing her arm in the attack.

-More development needed-

The little girl is adopted by an elderly woman who calls herself Grandmother. She takes care of the little girl in her 2 room housing unit in the slums of low-level district and tries to make the little girl forget about her troubled past by telling her stories, showing her relics of the old world, and having her take care of chores. The elderly woman gives the little girl a prosthetic arm that she had kept amongst the sentimental junk of her home. The prosthetic was outdated and didn't fit perfectly but it helped the little girl cope with her loss and gave her hope. It was a multi tool prosthetic, with a simple grip mechanism and a small array of different alternating tools. Grandmother gave the little girl a red cloak to conceal the prosthetic so that no one in the slums would try to steal it from her. The hood was a blood red hood that symbolized the link between family, a promise from the elderly woman to love the little girl as her own blood related kin. After Grandmother saw how well it suited the little girl, Grandmother nicknamed her "Lil Red." Red, however, never forgot about her parents and the cruelness of the world that killed them but she put it in the back of her mind so she could try her best to live a normal life. Red vowed to protect the only family she had left, her grandmother, no matter the cost, even if it put her own life at risk. She developed a strong sense of justice because of that. One day when Red was running errands for her grandmother she spotted a man being attacked in an alley way over some inaudible dispute. She recognized the augments, the tattoos, and the the symbol on the clothes of the man attacking the other man. He was a member of the gang that killed her parents. Impulsively, from a surge of rage, Red charged the gangster and pounced on him, stabbing him with the knife from her prosthetic arm right into his back. The gangster spun around and flung her away with the knife broken off from Red's prosthetic still lodged in his back. The stranger the gangster was attacking took advantage of his attacker's distracted response and pulled the knife out from his back. When the gangster turned back to face the man, the stranger quickly jabbed the knife into the gangster's stomach before lodging it into the back of his neck as the gangster bent over in pain. The gangster was finished and Red, the little girl, had saved the stranger's life. The stranger thanked the girl and credited her for what she had done. He noticed a fire in her and asked her why she had risked her life to save him. Red told the man her story about her life in the mid-level district and how that and her parents were all taken away from her forever when the same gangsters attacked. She told him how she had vowed to protect Grandmother and how she was sick of the oppression of thugs like these. The man revealed himself to be a bounty hunter who would collect on augments and resell them for good money. As he mentioned this, he dismembered the prosthetic augments from the lifeless gangster lying face down on the ground. The man then walked over to Red and held her prosthetic arm delicately to assess the damage. Initially Red felt threatened by the man and his unknown motives but he explained to her that the damage to her arm was critical. He offered to replace the arm from his stock of wares for a more suitable prosthetic better fitted and more up to date. At first Red rejected the offer out of sentiment because the arm was a gift from Grandmother but the man explains that with a better prosthetic she can better protect and serve those she cares about like she did today. She agreed to his offer and followed him to a hidden facility but when they arrived he demanded an equal exchange for the new prosthetic. He proposed that he train her in the arts of hand to hand close quarters combat and improve her knowledge on the use of augments. She didn't believe him at first and put her guard up. The man then revealed his past and his name. He called himself The Huntsman. A name given to him by his former allies. He once belonged to a faction that revolted against the government in an effort to reform the classism based hierarchy in the city but his faction's plan was thwarted by government hired mercenary gangsters from the slums that sabotaged their operations from the inside. The Huntsman was an expert at sniffing them out but over time the faction fell apart and many of his friends died or fell out of contact, leaving him to survive in the slums by himself by any means necessary. Listening to all of this inspired Red to accept The Huntsman's offer. She would gradually trust him more and more as the days passed where he talked about his former life and his new life, and trained her to become a vigilante. Meanwhile in another part of the slums in forbidden territory, word of the gangster's death reached his brother's stronghold. His brother, Alpha(placeholder name?), was the head of the gang. The gang called themselves The Pack. After hearing about his brother's death, Alpha spread the word out to The Pack and put a headhunt on the nameless killers that murdered his brother with nothing to go on but the broken knife lodged into his brother's neck. As Red grew up, The Pack became more aggressive and turned over the slums one block at a time. At the same time, Red grew stronger unaware of their hunt for her. Whenever she was with him, her personality hardened and she became more cynical yet she believed in her own abilities that he had gifted her. When The Huntsman would take her out on missions or a job she would play by his rules. Red was sharp and cunning, always alert and on guard. She knew how to blend in with the crowd just to get by and remain inconspicuous. When she would return to Grandmother all of the walls came down and the light would refill her eyes. Grandmother was her hope and her joy; her belief in a better world where no one had to be alone or afraid. She hid her life as an aspiring vigilante from her Grandmother so that she wouldn't worry about her. She wanted to preserve the happiness they always shared together. By this time Red is 23 years old. She still wears her red cloak to conceal her weapons underneath, over a dark fit full body suit customized to fit her augmented body. Red wields a small variety of military grade equipment holstered on her suit. Her most useful weapon is her own body which is augmented for combat, stealth, and mobility. At first, all of Red's equipment came from The Huntsman's connections to the underground black market full of augment dealers and weapon traders. After she familiarizes herself with the network, she frequents its innerworkings by herself. One day The Pack gets a scent in the investigation of Alpha's brother's killers and they track it down to The Huntsman and Grandmother. The Huntsman becomes aware of this while Red is out on a mission. The Huntsman returns to Red's house to protect Grandmother alone. There, he is confronted by The Pack and killed in battle before Grandmother is kidnapped. Red finds the Huntsman at her home, bled out in street with a logo carved into his chest; the sign of The Pack. Red returns to her housing unit to find Grandmother gone and their home in shambles. Red tracks down the location of The Pack's hideout and heads there for the final confrontation. She covertly makes her way into the hideout, an abandoned canal tunnel. Red stealthily fights her way deeper into the hideout until she reaches Alpha and fends off his last wave of gangsters. Alpha then confronts her in the final battle as Grandmother watches in horror. Red kicks Alpha's ass and saves Grandmother from the clutches of EVIL. The End. Or is it? Red continues her life as a vigilante, now trying to organize a crime fighting group to push back the gangsters and augment thieves out of the slums. Grandmother is still alive and kickin, living a new life in The Huntsman's better housing unit in safer territory. Yay!

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