Friday, April 1, 2016

Ryan Savas - Week 5 HW


-*that one film sound plays*
-intro opens, narration
-a 1950’s style video, black and white, shows test footage of excalibur being built, up until test scene, where it vanishes
-overhead shot of desk, shows man wiping files of excalibur into large box, camera pans back down to eye level, shows men carrying boxes of research to incinerator.
-narration explains war
-fade to black
-shot opens to inside of artillery barrel
-overhead camera follows artillery shell, shows flight of shell past countryside, shows conflict fading into countryside
-camera goes back to eye level, still behind flying shell
-camera zoom into cliff along with shell, showing back of shell as a circle
-shot switches to extreme zoom of arthur’s eye opening, his iris taking the place of the artillery shell
-arthur rolls out of bed, to the right, out of frame
-worm’s eye shot, showing arthur getting out of bed, camera turns to follow him as he walks from his bed towards his front door as he dresses himself, grabbing jacket as he heads towards door
-camera is zoomed in at door, door opens, camera is focused on patch on jacket that reads “arthur” before the camera zooms out and goes behind arthur as he walks out of his door
-wide-angle shot shows arthur silhouetted against background as he looks into the distance as he sees tracer rounds shot up into the sky
-overhead shot of arthur looking up at shells. he realizes they are shells, runs off frame
-over the shoulder shot of him running inside to grab some things, then the camera turns to show him running out the door, camera remains fixed
-incoming artillery shell sound
-room explodes, camera destroyed
-overhead panning shot, starting behind arthur, going past him to show half of house destroyed and cliff face falling into ocean
-standard shot of arthur dropping all the shit he was carrying
-worms eye view from below newly destroyed cliff, showing partially destroyed house, arthur walks into frame, looking down
-over the shoulder shot zooms out into aerial view showing the back of a giant robot exposed from the newly exposed rock face
-low angle side view shot, arthur crouches into frame and squints, trying to read something on the robod
-over the shoulder shot, arthur reads out as the camera zooms out, “excalibur”
-wide angle shot zooms out to very long shot, showing enormity of the exposed robot, cliff face, arthur, and his home.

###########################END INTRODUCTION###############################

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