Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Ilenia Colaiacomo - Week 2 HW

The Little Mermaid 
Brief Story Overview-
 • Mermaid wants to become a human 
 • Mermaids live 300 yrs+ but don’t have souls, turn into sea foam when they die 
 • Mermaid seeks sea witch’s help to become human and earn love from prince to gain soul (fails)
Character- Cid
Cid is a middle-aged man who looks much older than he really is (46) due to all the drugs he’s done. In his younger days, he was a mischievous fellow, but not ruthless. He and his pals used to roam around stepping on everyone’s flowers and switching their mail with their neighbor’s, stealing alcohol and giving elderly folk a hard time. Eventually, he grew tired of the childish games his friends were playing and went in search of something far more superior. He soon met a gang that changed his life. They showed him the way of drugs and opened his world to one of stealing from the poor, beating up the helpless, prostitution, murder and money. He became a dangerously disreputable lad in the matter of months. He spent the rest of his days climbing to the top of the city with the rest of his loyal gang. That is - until, the gang caught him trying to screw them over. Now, Cid is a homeless bum who mooches off anyone in sight, still stealing as much as he can to get his hands on alcohol as he aimlessly roams the planet. He lingers within the depths of a town where he hides out searching for anyone to sink his leech-like being into. He slithers from alley to alley, looking forward only to his next beer. Cid is the type of person who cares only about his next high, his next buzz, next bag of cash. He manipulates people and sucks them dry without a fiber of remorse in his body. All he wants is to sit around doing nothing, feeling good and soiling the earth. Cid goes around carrying a pocket knife that cleverly looks like a gun to aid his success of stealing from helpless townsfolk and always has a beer or a cig in his hand. He doesn’t have any family due to being abandoned at birth, and after being shunned by his gang suffers a lonely life always trying to escape consequences for his actions.

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